Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dinner Rolls

No Thanksgiving meal is complete with out soft, warm dinner rolls.

Because I love baking bread and because I love changing up things, I often use a tried, but relatively new recipe... whatever floats the boat at the moment.
I find that excellent rolls are often made from loaf recipes and some add more flavor than others.
A favorite to use for rolls was posted on a very early blog entry.
Try this recipe, if you have sourdough on hand, for an interesting complex flavor (will attempt to get it in printable form later today).

But, by far and away the 'fall back' plan for rolls, for me, begins with a recipe that has been a standard for years at the Fleishman yeast company.  I made a handwritten copy from a very old booklet which had been a freebie.  It's a much loved and much used recipe.

The reason that this is the fall back recipe is stated clearly in the title...
Sixty Minute rolls.
When the other ' I want to try this" recipe falls flat,,,
when the folks are gathering from everywhere
and small children are snitching food already from the table,,,
these can be relied upon to produce in sixty minutes.

From start to finish, you can put beautiful rolls on the table in an hour and the house will smell divine!

For most Thanksgiving meals, I will make two of these recipes (48 rolls) before lunch,
and while I'm cleaning up, I'll make a fresh batch for the snacks and 'leftover' meal that happens as the afternoon and evening progress.

Here's the printable version: 

Sixty Minute Dinner Rolls

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