Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Random thoughts

Things have been crazy busy here the last little bit. 

Spring is in full swing (we are all polinated, sneeze, snort!)

People are winding down college careers and beginning to move.  The shift of worldly belongings that has happened here for 9 years (wow... time sure does fly!) will happen again this week.  The old house will finish squeezing to near bursting and things may or may not settle down to a new kind of normal.  When the graduate gets home, we'll sort through his things, and some things I've been waiting to have sturdy help to do.

The baby chickens are growing ... crazy growing... I must get some photos... they're at the wonderful, juvenile, oh-so-ugly phase... it's awesome.

The dog has outgrown my wildest imaginings, but continues to learn and be an amazing companion. We have managed to capture a clip of her 'singing' to the baby on a phone... she is a delight.

People are finishing up highschool careers and planning the move to college.  Ironically, the same college that will be shedding one of our own, will be gaining a new one in the fall.

A bit of gardening, though not much to see yet...

A bit of sewing....

A bit of complaining, on my part, about generally feeling like I've been hit by a hay truck.
The side effects of Tamoxifen are beating me about and I was growing increasingly irritable until yesterday, when I saw the doctor, to discover that that wasn't all.  Medication for bronchitis and a sinus infection should help to clear up some of what I've found so oppressive this last couple of week.

I left the doctor's office, feeling somehow instantly better, as though having a valid reason for the puny-ness of late.  I have a physician who is so gentle and so calm and who both listens and hears what I say. One of life's greatest blessings is having a doctor that I'm comfortable with, who serves as my medical 'home' and who listens and weighs in and helps me find a balance on the health care see-saw that I've been on lately. 

I didn't need to be anywhere on a time schedule, so stopped at the local library in the big city. 

I love libraries.  I love the little local library.  But I've been needing a couple of resource books so decided to stop at the bigger library, where I proceeded to get lost in the reference area for quite some time. I didn't realize exactly how lost I was until I heard giggles and looked up to see an adorable teenage girl reversing herself to go down another aisle... because I was seated, cross legged in the middle of the aisle, shoes off, reading, as though I were right at home.

Home to cook dinner and get in the last of the eggs of the day. 
Petting the pups and the old dogs, herding in the chicken escapees...
A little weaving, a little reading till the kid gets home...
A late meal, conversation, coordination for the next few days, so that we're on the same sheet of music, so to speak.

The last thing that I did before bed was change over some laundry. Having forgotten to hang it out, it was much too late and the weather had been storming pretty fiercely earlier.  As I worked in the laundry, I noticed the night noises coming through the open window.  Frogs and bugs and night animal chorus, refreshed from the rain and the cool of night. A large moth fluttered softly against the screen, which kept it from it's journey to the light and as I turned off the light and headed to bed, followed by the thumping of Stormy's feet and her nose, cold against my leg, her singular vocal yawn which signals that it's time to rest for a while, so that we can get up tomorrow and do it again.

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