Thursday, February 17, 2011

A lot can happen

A lot can happen when you go away for 4 days!

Puppy training can go far, far awry.

Oh, wait... that's her cute little face.

Actually, that's a people problem... bag of packing peanuts not put away properly... but you can see my point, I'm sure.

Then there's the issue of the suicidal cat...

Have you ever seen a better advertisement for reusable bags?

There are chickens who want to see you and spend time with you and sit on the porch!

There is now the need to mop the front porch...

But wait... what is this?

Several hundred peach and pink tulips have pushed their way through the leaves and detritus of winter, living proof that spring is on the way.

And this...

a hundred years worth of daffodils and jonquils and narcissus begin to push their way forth, reminders not only of spring but of my inheritance of earth and love of a garden.

 The first of the crocus, always, ALWAYS says "hang in there... warmer days are coming soon."

This is the promise of fresh eggs soon, round fat hens, out pecking away, nearly re-feathered after some down time.

This is the promise of early morning wake up calls and little peepers...

And this is the promise of a companion animal... rapt attention to my every move, good progress on training, the undying devotion in her eyes...

Ah... it's good to be home!

*   *   *

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