Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring... ahh....

I tried to get a shot of the pollen covered boxer nose... but he was sneezing too hard.

Yep... and this car is in under cover.

Just about my favorite flower in all the world is a 'first of spring' apple blossom... delicate and beautiful... with a promise of an autumn apple.

Wild Violets... reminds me of my Aunt Jo... who planted them in teacups, early each spring for me to take to my teachers!

Redbuds and dogwoods, a breathtaking burst of color...

Lenton Roses -  stunning...

Oxalis - the greenest of spring greens...

Tulips... hot pink (as opposed to the soft pink that I thought I planted)

And last, but not least, Nick... still wiggling in the fresh grass... Looking so much better and feeling like a 'real' dog... Update on Nick coming really soon!  I promise!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. Oxalis and pollen and sneezing dogs rolling in the green grass. Happy spring!

