Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Campers!

For a lot of years, I've picked up tired and happy campers at the end of a week at Asbury Hills United Methodist camp. This year was no different...I should have taken photos of the wonderful new cabins and the amazing changes of the physical side of Asbury. But I was very much taken with the faces...

...the joyful worship...

The quiet reverence...

...brothers, side by side...

(yep, that's dad there in the background!) The big brother is experiencing the world of working at Asbury, so his days home are few and far between. We took him fresh peaches and the makings of some PB & J's. We gave him hugs and kisses. Though his experience here is different, we pray for his time at Asbury as well.

Home in the woods... meals with your family...the sound of the creek...

The retreat, with everything that word implies...
apart from the world, reflection and introspection, sharing with like-minded individuals who are also on the journey...

I have never failed to notice that they come away with a special growth, that is rare and unusual to find in today's world. A renewal of spirit for children and teens and young adults alike...

a special, special place...

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