Saturday, April 4, 2009


Sometimes, life's adventures take up more time than allows for writing.

Here on the farm, we've recently dealt with illness, much rain, a new job, death of a much loved animal and some general re-evaluating and restructuring life and times as we know it.

More about those things later, perhaps, but in the meantime...

...signs of spring on the farm.

Beautiful reminders of how life cycles around fresh and new each spring... pale green, fragile in appearance, but actually strong it it's desire to preserve itself for the future.


  1. Not to be a Nosy Nellie, but who did you lose?
    I am so sorry. Ther loss of a pet is a very sad occasion.
    And I am jealous of your spring.. we are a week behind you I think.No dogwoods yet, just buds. But I do need to cut the grass. It is getting very deep.

  2. Beautiful pictures. Nice blog, I just found it, come vist mine some time.
    Prayers, Bo

  3. Jen,

    I lost Clancy... suddenly. We're not sure what happened. Seizure, then no more breathing.
    I miss him so.

